Hungry for 2019

What Meaning Will Your Life Have In 2019?

Ed, my old neighbor in Saskatchewan, has trimmed his New Year’s predictions down to the bare bones. “It used to be that I could sense what the next year would bring, but now the weather, politics, and events are just plain crazy,” Ed informed me. I tried to tell Ed that a few good predictions for 2019 were better than many.

My old neighbor honored me with his 2019 predictions since I won’t be at his New Year’s party where he proclaims his predictions like a famous clairvoyant. According to Ed, bullies will run the world in 2019. Russia in Europe, China in Asia, and Trump in North and South America. In Canada, smoke from cannabis will be as thick as forest fire smoke all year around. It will be the year of earthquakes, volcanoes, and grasshoppers. Grasshoppers will be as numerous as mosquitoes.  On a personal level, Ed feels that I will go on a trip to Asia or Africa in 2019. They will refuse to let me stay there long because I cannot stop sharing about Jesus being the Savior of sinners.

Ed was pleased to tell me that I foolishly beat a dead horse every year. “Maybe you will realize in 2019 that no one cares about being saved from their sins,” Ed offered. Then he told me that I should know that many folks find that their lives have lots of meaning without God, himself, included.

I told Ed that I have known lots of folks during my life who were content without God.

Everyone has a right to find meaning in their lives as they see fit. Some of us find our meaning in life through our faith in Jesus Christ. Some do not. The world is big enough for everyone, as long, as

some folks don’t insist that it is their way or no way. It is a wise person who knows who and what gives their lives meaning. 2019, like other years, will have lots of bullies and know-it-alls, lots of those seeking a relationship with their God and those that aren’t.

Jesus warns Christians that our lives should not be about storing up for ourselves earthly treasures. Our lives get smothered in our treasures. We should not worry about having the basics of food, clothes, shelter, health, and security, for life is more than these. How much is enough to satisfy us? Even having riches, good health and success can still leave folks empty and hungry in their lives. Sometimes those with little are very thankful and content.  Our meaning in life is reflective of our thinking and deciding what is most important to us and who is most important to us.

For some of us, God is our hug of heavenly love for now and forever. Our meaning in life is to love God with all our soul, mind, and heart; and our neighbor as ourselves. To love God who we cannot see, we love our neighbors as ourselves, who we can see. We don’t deny that we fail at loving God and our neighbor. Jesus alone did both perfectly. The Holy Spirit works with us as sinners on their way to heaven. We are God’s work in progress in 2019.

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