No Need to Exercise After You Hit Seventy!
Ed, my old neighbor from Saskatchewan, has a dim view of those who waste their money on gyms or fitness centers. Several years ago when I had a membership at the CN gym at Melville, I showed Ed all the machines and weights, etc. in the gym. He could not understand my enthusiasm for the facility. He thought it was silly to pay money to sweat and strain when anybody can sweat and strain at home without paying a cent to do so.
When I talked to Ed last, he was not surprised to hear that I was going to a fitness center here. He, of course, thought it would be both costly and unnecessary at my age of seventy. He compared it to a child playing in traffic, an accident waiting to happen. I tried to tell Ed that I should not stop fitness workouts because I’m growing older. My old neighbor seems to think that after seventy exercise is stepping on the scales and sucking in my gut. It is a little activity but as effective as sitting and reading or watching television. Bowling and curling in the winter and golf in the summer are Ed’s answer to every exercise need anyone could have.
Exercise is a wise investment at any age, for good health is the first wealth. Taking care of your body with exercise is worthwhile because your body is the only place you have to live. At every age, it is important to keep being active. According to medical authorities, regular exercise at the gym or elsewhere will: improve your memory, result in better posture, de-stress you, reduce blood pressure, maintain immune functioning, keep bones strong, build muscle mass, improve breathing, lower the risk of arthritis, result in better sleep, and more energy. When I recounted all these health benefits of exercise to Ed, he told me that he felt the need to exercise himself, but he would lie down until it passed.
Most folks accept that exercising and paying attention to their physical fitness level is a good idea. In physical exercise, 80 % of success is showing up and working out. It is the same for our spiritual wellbeing. As Christians, we are to show love to God and our neighbor in a continuous workout of servanthood. God is our spotter able to help us when we try to lift in love and service beyond our capacity. We exercise love to God and others because Jesus exercised himself to death to save us from the captivity our sinful natures. Like the story of the Good Samaritan, who showed compassion to a wounded man left half dead on the side of the road, Jesus had love without measure for us as sinners. He did what was required to save us and restore us from the death grip of sin. He has loved us first that we would gladly exercise love to God and our neighbor.
The Bible says, that whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God the Father through him. Exercise compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience as you bear with others. Forgive grievances as the Lord forgave you. Love with all your heart.