Who Needs A Physician? Everyone gets sick or injured during their lifetime and needs a doctor. Some people do not feel well but will not see a doctor. No one can cure us of an illness if we don’t want to be…

Compilation from weekly newspaper faith column “Neighborly Advice According To Ed"
Who Needs A Physician? Everyone gets sick or injured during their lifetime and needs a doctor. Some people do not feel well but will not see a doctor. No one can cure us of an illness if we don’t want to be…
“We Worship One God in Trinity and Trinity in Unity.” I have always found the words of the Athanasian Creed a challenge to get my mind and tongue around. The creed is a statement of belief focused on the doctrine of the…
The Holy Spirit Is The Soul Of The Church Pentecost is a significant festival in the Christian church, celebrated on the Sunday that falls on the 50th day of Easter. It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and…
Rejoice In The Lord Always. Do I Need To Repeat It? Parents may wonder why telling their children something more than once is necessary. At my age, I didn’t hear what you said the first time. I wrestle with my need to…
The Dark Side Of Biblical Names In the past, Biblical names like Peter, James, John, Esther, Mary, etc., were favorite name choices for the arrival of a newborn baby. Today Biblical names are still frequently popular. Biblical names have a bright side…
One Stone Chip Can Mean Replacing A Whole Windshield! You may remember a stupid saying offered to children when they got upset about being called a nasty name. “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” Of…
My Keys, Eyeglasses, And Wallet Keep Disappearing! Some seniors say that things regularly go missing on them. As a senior, I can vouch that lost keys, eyeglasses, and wallets are found if you look long enough, most of the time. Craig Groeschel…
Sleep With One Eye Open! “Did you know that dolphins sleep with one eye open? It’s true. They do so because they can only let one side of their brain sleep at a time. When the left side of the brain sleeps,…
Jesus Is The Gateway To Truth And Life Jesus said, “I Am the Good Shepherd.” He also said, “I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep.” (John 10:7) Our world is full of limitless possibilities and doors or…
What’s The Meaning Of The Road To Emmaus? The journey to Emmaus is both a literal and a spiritual journey (Luke 24:13-35). It occurs on the first day of the week after Jesus’ death and burial. Two disciples were walking from Jerusalem…