Reject the Idea of Organic Wine and Salad Production
Ed, my old neighbor and self-adopted cousin from Saskatchewan talked to me by Skype last week. My cousin is determined to keep in touch by Skype because it is free. He wanted to know how the crops were progressing around Chilliwack. I told him that the best crops that I can see here were the thriving dandelions. It is not just here in BC that they are flourishing, but everywhere from Melville, SK to Chilliwack, BC. I can report from our recent travels across Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia that the dandelions are thriving everywhere this year.
I spent many days travelling in the car, and the abundance of dandelions inspired me to propose an advance in farming for my cousin Ed. I told Ed that he needed to stop growing his regular crops on his farm. No more costly chemicals, pesticides and herbicides, no costly seed, or the expense of fuel for his tractor. He can stop the input and let the dandelions take over his farm. Dandelions are ever-bearing plants from spring to fall. He can use his spare time to develop a machine that will automatically pick the lovely yellow flowers and the narrow, deeply, lobed leaves. Both flowers and leaves will grow back in a few days. The yellow flowers can become fine dandelion wine and the leaves into a fresh salad. Without the application of any costly spray to his farm, the dandelion wine and salads should boast an organic label, and sell for a higher price. I tried to get Ed to visualize himself as a famous winery owner of the first dandelion wine – winery in Saskatchewan. He could lead tours through the dandelions and have wine tasting and salad sampling.    Â
Ed didn’t like my idea for a new direction for his farm. He asked me if I had rocks in my head, or if I had whacked my head on a mountain at Chilliwack. Ed did not want to hear that all parts of the dandelion plant can be eaten either cooked or raw. He did not care that the leaves are rich in potassium, antioxidants and vitamins A and C.
If you read the second chapter of Isaiah, you find the prophet expressing his dislike for God’s people of Judah and Jerusalem. It seemed to the prophet that they were acting like they had rocks in their heads. When Isaiah looked over the land, it wasn’t an abundance of dandelions that he objected to but an abundance human pride in what the people had accumulated. Times were prosperous because of a period of military success so that there was no end to horses and chariots from battles. There was no end to treasures of silver and gold from the spoils of victory. Sadly there was no end to the number of idols the people were worshipping. This idol worship meant people were bowing down to gods designed and made by human craftsmen as if they had no true and living God to worship. The people were no longer walking in the light of the Lord, but in the pride of human accomplishments because times were prosperous. Why do we forget our almighty and living God when times are good?